Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mommy's Letter

Dear Suhana,

Happy 3rd Birthday my love. You have given us three beautiful, sunny and funny years with many more to come. I still look at you and cannot believe that you are 3 years old!!!!! The first year of your life we fretted over everything you did, from what you ate, to what your poop looked like, whether you walked early, to did we read enough to you, are you happy? And it passed with flying colors. Then year number two was a whirlwind, where I was pregnant with Jiana and I was tired but there was no time to slow down. We reveled in hearing you say sentences for the first time, run around and around and most importantly you learned the word "NO!" It was cute at first and then we weren't laughing :)

And year three came upon us and soon after Jiana entered our lives and you had a sister, You took some time to adjust but each day I was so happy to have my two babies. So grateful for all the blessings. You were hesitant with sharing mommy and daddy but you adjusted and now you ask for Jia when she isn't around. You love your sister. You started preschool, which you love, made new friends, have potty trained, understand EVERYTHING that we say and ask of you, and in general are a very sweet girl.

Suhana, I love you so much and I will tell you that everyday of your life. You always have a friend in me and a shoulder to lean on. (Barney reference) I will always play circle time with you as you lead me through 11 songs. I will always put your hair in pigtails and buy you sprinkle cookies. I will always pretend to be your age when we play and always listen to whatever you have to say. 

You told me the other "You are my best friend mommy." Suhana, I promise to always keep it that way,


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