Monday, September 10, 2012

Jiana - 10 Months

This post is somewhat on time! Kudos to me. Jiana turned 10 months old on September 1, 2012. My baby is getting too BIG!  We had a couple big milestones this month, so far. Jiana took two steps all by herself a couple weeks ago!!! That's right she walked on carpet at a friends house all by herself!

Last weekend, she stood all by herself for 10 seconds. No one was holding her and she wasn't holding onto anything! It was really cool. I realized that with a second baby, everything they do is still really amazing! You forget so quickly when the older one did the same things. Well, at least I do. No shame in this game, I definitely have mommy brain.

And wait for it... drum roll please....... her first tooth sprouted! That's right, after 7 agonizing months, that is how long she has been teething, the first bottom tooth has broke skin. The second one is peeking through and the top two are ready to come out at any moment. So all this really means is that she is in a lot of pain. I feel so bad, I try to imagine this pain they go through if it were happening at this age! Can you imagine how it would hurt? But she is such a trooper, ALWAYS SMILING!

She also has quite a tongue, she babbles constantly and sounds like "Mama" "Dada" and "Hot Dog" come out. Hot dog you say? Well, that's because my baby loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! She loves that song at the end of every episode.

And her temperament is just the best, she is always happy and smiling. Love this face.

The usual pose.

And going for the paper.

"I got it Mama!"

1 comment:

  1. ooo, not looking forward to the teething stage... ;) jiana is SO ADORABLE. i want to see her walk!
