Thursday, September 27, 2012

Birthday Extraveganza - Part 1 Joy Preschool

Birthday fun started at school this year for Suhana. Joy preschool is such an attentive and kind place and they make each child feel special for their day. They know that Suhana LOVES Barney, so they made her birthday party sign with a Barney theme.

I had ordered pizza and cake for all the kids the Friday before her birthday. I wasn't able to attend the pizza party since I was at work but I left early to go and get the cake, which I brought to the school around 3:30.  All the kids and teachers sang Happy Birthday to her! It was very sweet!



Mommy's Letter

Dear Suhana,

Happy 3rd Birthday my love. You have given us three beautiful, sunny and funny years with many more to come. I still look at you and cannot believe that you are 3 years old!!!!! The first year of your life we fretted over everything you did, from what you ate, to what your poop looked like, whether you walked early, to did we read enough to you, are you happy? And it passed with flying colors. Then year number two was a whirlwind, where I was pregnant with Jiana and I was tired but there was no time to slow down. We reveled in hearing you say sentences for the first time, run around and around and most importantly you learned the word "NO!" It was cute at first and then we weren't laughing :)

And year three came upon us and soon after Jiana entered our lives and you had a sister, You took some time to adjust but each day I was so happy to have my two babies. So grateful for all the blessings. You were hesitant with sharing mommy and daddy but you adjusted and now you ask for Jia when she isn't around. You love your sister. You started preschool, which you love, made new friends, have potty trained, understand EVERYTHING that we say and ask of you, and in general are a very sweet girl.

Suhana, I love you so much and I will tell you that everyday of your life. You always have a friend in me and a shoulder to lean on. (Barney reference) I will always play circle time with you as you lead me through 11 songs. I will always put your hair in pigtails and buy you sprinkle cookies. I will always pretend to be your age when we play and always listen to whatever you have to say. 

You told me the other "You are my best friend mommy." Suhana, I promise to always keep it that way,


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Suhana Turns 3!

Suhana turns three this Saturday on September 22, 2012 and to say the least I am in a state of shock. How can my baby, be turning three? She was just born! Time really flies and its never more evident to me than on her birthday every year. I will write a lot more about her fabulous Beach themed party later but I felt like sharing some photos of her throughout the years. I love this kid more than I can tell you and its an incredible feeling to know that she is growing up healthy, strong, happy and beautiful. What more can I ask for?

First days :)

Daddy's girl

Check out the mohawk.

Too cute.

Eating cheerios.


Love that smile!

Almost 3! Where does the time go?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Jiana - 10 Months

This post is somewhat on time! Kudos to me. Jiana turned 10 months old on September 1, 2012. My baby is getting too BIG!  We had a couple big milestones this month, so far. Jiana took two steps all by herself a couple weeks ago!!! That's right she walked on carpet at a friends house all by herself!

Last weekend, she stood all by herself for 10 seconds. No one was holding her and she wasn't holding onto anything! It was really cool. I realized that with a second baby, everything they do is still really amazing! You forget so quickly when the older one did the same things. Well, at least I do. No shame in this game, I definitely have mommy brain.

And wait for it... drum roll please....... her first tooth sprouted! That's right, after 7 agonizing months, that is how long she has been teething, the first bottom tooth has broke skin. The second one is peeking through and the top two are ready to come out at any moment. So all this really means is that she is in a lot of pain. I feel so bad, I try to imagine this pain they go through if it were happening at this age! Can you imagine how it would hurt? But she is such a trooper, ALWAYS SMILING!

She also has quite a tongue, she babbles constantly and sounds like "Mama" "Dada" and "Hot Dog" come out. Hot dog you say? Well, that's because my baby loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! She loves that song at the end of every episode.

And her temperament is just the best, she is always happy and smiling. Love this face.

The usual pose.

And going for the paper.

"I got it Mama!"