Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jiana - 7 Months with Pierced Ears!

I say this every time! Where does the time go?? How is my little girl 7 months already? I was telling Avikar that I am really glad Jiana still looks like such a little baby, because I don't want her to grow up. I look at Suhana and think "how did she get so big?" With this being my last baby (or so I say) I want to cherish it even more.

Jiana is 7 months old and she doing so many things:

- Sitting up, unassisted for 5-10 minutes. If we keep pillows behind her, she can sit up longer.

- She passes objects from one hand to another.
- Can roll over from tummy to back and back to tummy.
- And drum roll please... as of yesterday, can prop herself up on her tummy with her arms   straight!
- She goes in the downward dog position alot and scoots on her head. (crawling is on its way)
- She still smiles and laughs ALL the time. She even cracks up!
- She is eating rice cereal in the morning, and some other vegetable and fruit in the afternoon and evening.
- Still drinking a majority of breast milk, though we did start substituting formula around 6 and 1/2 months. My milk stash at home was dwindling, as work got progressively busier, I can't pump enough to keep up with her needs. But I am still pumping and she drinks breast milk about 75% of the time.
- She gurgles and shouts. She also shrieks...and when this little angel cried, its a hearty cry. It comes from way down deep. Boy does she make us feel sorry for her!

And big news! I got her ears pierced last weekend. She was a champ and cried for just the moment they pierced her ears and then was fine. Just like Suhana. I was worried it would hurt her more since she was 7 months, but it went really smoothly. Big sister Suhana picked out the earrings.

Here are some pics of my gorgeous baby :)

I'm 7 months!

Yes, I put a clip in her hair.

So sweet.

Check out the ears!

Relaxing with some toys.

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