Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Graduation Night - Joy Preschool

Last Friday, June 8th, was Graduation night for all the 5 year olds at Suhana's preschool that will be going to kindergarten next year. It was a really special and fun event for all the parents and kids. Of course, Suhana did not graduate but she did perform on stage with her class. It was seriously the CUTEST thing ever! Kids are adorable and they all were so sweet.

Suhana has never been a fan of cheering and clapping. A couple years ago, when she was no more than 8 months the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Championship, we were so excited that we were jumping up and down, and dancing silently! Every time we clapped she would start crying! It was the quietest excitement ever! So, there would be a alot of cheering and clapping from all the parents of the kids and I wasn't sure how she was going to react. All in all, she did great. She wasn't really smiling up on stage but she did stand there and participate with her whole class. I was so proud of her and bewildered that in 2 years she is going to go to kindergarten!

And of course, Suhana has a HUGE fan base so, her Dadi, Dada, Chachu, Tashlin Chachu, Rupa, Avikar, Jiana and myself were all there to see and support her. This is just the beginning of many many graduations. Can't wait!

On stage with her teachers, waiting to perform.


Brilliant performance! All Done!

Playing outside.

Miss. Elizabeth, her teacher.

Miss. Claudia, her favorite!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Flashback in time

In May 2010, Avikar and Suhana and I took this picture at a resturant and we have it framed in our house. A couple weeks ago we were at the same resturant and we decided to take the same picture. Almost 2 years to the date and, gosh how big Suhana looks. Hopefully we don't look much older!

May 2010

May 2012

Jiana - 7 Months with Pierced Ears!

I say this every time! Where does the time go?? How is my little girl 7 months already? I was telling Avikar that I am really glad Jiana still looks like such a little baby, because I don't want her to grow up. I look at Suhana and think "how did she get so big?" With this being my last baby (or so I say) I want to cherish it even more.

Jiana is 7 months old and she doing so many things:

- Sitting up, unassisted for 5-10 minutes. If we keep pillows behind her, she can sit up longer.

- She passes objects from one hand to another.
- Can roll over from tummy to back and back to tummy.
- And drum roll please... as of yesterday, can prop herself up on her tummy with her arms   straight!
- She goes in the downward dog position alot and scoots on her head. (crawling is on its way)
- She still smiles and laughs ALL the time. She even cracks up!
- She is eating rice cereal in the morning, and some other vegetable and fruit in the afternoon and evening.
- Still drinking a majority of breast milk, though we did start substituting formula around 6 and 1/2 months. My milk stash at home was dwindling, as work got progressively busier, I can't pump enough to keep up with her needs. But I am still pumping and she drinks breast milk about 75% of the time.
- She gurgles and shouts. She also shrieks...and when this little angel cried, its a hearty cry. It comes from way down deep. Boy does she make us feel sorry for her!

And big news! I got her ears pierced last weekend. She was a champ and cried for just the moment they pierced her ears and then was fine. Just like Suhana. I was worried it would hurt her more since she was 7 months, but it went really smoothly. Big sister Suhana picked out the earrings.

Here are some pics of my gorgeous baby :)

I'm 7 months!

Yes, I put a clip in her hair.

So sweet.

Check out the ears!

Relaxing with some toys.

Night Night Baby

Lately, Suhana has had an immense interest in her babies. She will ask "Where's baby?" if she has misplaced her or "Mommy, give baby a hug" The list of baby requests are endless, and its all because she is becoming more imaginative and more aware that Jiana is mommy's baby and she needs one too. I think its so adorable! She can keep herself occupied for 10 minutes just taking care of baby, moving her from one place to another, bringing baby all of Jiana's toys to play with and getting her ready for bed. The best part of this, is the elaborate sleeping arrangements she sets up for baby. I have captured a few of these moments. And the turtle night light is always there.

Notice Jiana's romper as a blanket.

All of Jiana's toys are piled on.
A new take on sleeping... in the bouncy chair.

Preschool Progress Report

This week Suhana's preschool has "Parents night" or "Here is how your 2 year old is doing in school" night. Her teacher, Miss Claudia gave me her progress when I went to drop her off instead of having to return at night. This all is pretty funny considering she is 2 and a half but hey, need to start taking school seriously! :) Miss Claudia told me that she is a wonderful child to have in class. She is very helpful, she listens really well, and participates in the class activities, she plays with her friends Abigail, Emily, Joshua and Ethan. Miss. Claudia has also been helping her get potty trained. This hasn't been as easy as I thought. I never pushed her to get potty trained by a certain age which, by knowing Suhana's temperament would not have gone well. But in school. they teach them but going to potty every hour or so and making a BIG deal when they actually go potty in a toilet. I have been doing the same thing when I am home with her too. She is wearing pull-ups now and she understands the concept but she hasn't mastered the art (like how I call potty training an art?) just yet. Miss Claudia is hoping by summer she is potty trained. (ME TOO!) Also, Miss. Claudia, is always tells me is how smart Suhana is. She is so impressed with her communication skills and her vocabulary, she thinks just the world of her. She has taken a special liking to Suhana and vice versa. This makes me happy and reinforces the fact that putting her in school has been a good thing.

Progress Report - Joy 1
June 7, 2012