Thursday, May 3, 2012

What did she say?

Yesterday, Avikar stayed home with the girls for the day and before Suhana went to bed, he says to her "I had fun hanging out with you today, Love you". She gives him a hug and says "Go to work tomorrow, Daddy go to work!". What?? Avikar and I just laughed, thinking he just got told! 

Today, on my way to a baby shower at work, Suhana asks me "What do cows give Mommy?" (she knows the answer to this, but we play this question game.)  I respond "Milk!" And with a totally serious face she says "Right, like how Mommy gives Jiana dhoo-dhoo (milk)"  My kid is brilliant! She had to make many connections to say that in the correct context!

Every few weeks I notice how much better her sentences get and in the last couple weeks, I feel like I can have full-fledged conversations with her. She is 31 months (2 and a half years) and I am so impressed with this. I guess with your first one, everything they do is pretty incredible since you don't know how else it could be. Suhana is just a cool kid! ;)

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