Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day - 2012

Jiana woke up around 6 this morning and Avikar took her out of the room, so I could snuggle with Suhana and continue sleeping. We slept in until 9!! It was really really nice.

A little later Suhana runs up to me with Jiana in tow, and gives me my present and says "Happy birthday mothers day, mommy!!!!" So cute! Love them!

There are a few things more precious to me in this world than my babies, and I want them to know that always and forever.

Dear Suhana and Jiana,

As your mother I promise to always love you unconditionally, wholeheartedly and purposefully. My life has taken on a new meaning since the day I knew I was pregnant with both of you. I have to raise the both of you so that you will always be kind to others, live life to the fullest, be happy, strive for greatness in all that you do, be successful in your careers and the roles you will take on someday as wives, mothers, grandmothers, aunts and friends, stand up for the weak, be strong for others, and most importantly love unconditionally.

I am proud to be your mother. In me you will always have the support you need, a smile waiting for you, and the type of love that can help you get through anything.

Love you always,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jiana - 6 Months

Today was Jiana's 6 month doctors appointment! Where does the time go? (I also started thinking that I need to plan her 1st birthday party) She weighs in at 13 lbs and 25 inches long, which puts her in the 5th and 25th percentile, respectively.  She is tiny but mighty, like her mama!

She had an ear infection a week ago, which is all clear now and she is rolling over from tummy to back, she can sit up unassisted for about 10-15 seconds. She is getting better at this everyday. And she is makes a lot of noise :)  She lets out this really high pitched notes that seem to go on forever and she also started grunting and babbling in general. I love hearing all these sounds, because soon they will be words and Suhana and I can talk to her. Or soon they will be bossing me around and telling me to buy these shoes for them... I guess this is just the beginning.

There are still times I look at Jia, and think "when did you come into our lives?" I still feel like I was just pregnant and now, boom, she is here. She is my beautiful little baby, and I love her more and more everyday. Her eyes are so bright, still a beautiful shade of hazel to light brown. Her smile melts my heart, especially since she sticks her tongue out all the time. Its her trademark. I can't imagine life without her and love her to pieces.

I am 6 months old!!!

I'm going to scrunch this up!

Yes, I put on a headband. She didn't appreciate it 5 seconds after this picture.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The POOP story of the decade

From the title of this post, you know I'm going to write about Poop. I have capitalized Poop because this story warrants it. We were returning home from Mexico and had a layover in Phoenix, AZ, Suhana had not made much poop while we were in Mexico (travelling will mess with your rhythm we all know this) and I had given her some Naked Green Machine juice to drink. After a bit, she tells me she is making poo-poo. This is what she usually says and so I was preparing myself for quite a bit of Poop. What ensued was of such great proportions that it had me shocked. And I am a mom of two kids and I have seen my share of Poop. So as she is done, she is starting to fuss and grab her diaper through her pants, and I can tell she is bothered by something, so I look down and through her black and white striped leggings there is Poop coming out! So I grab my wipes case, a diaper, changing pad and Suhana and run to the bathroom. I get inside and put her on top of the changing table and start to pull off her tennis shoes, which somehow touch her pants and get Poop on them. I throw them on the floor, next I grab her socks off, and Poop gets on those too. Then I see she is so mad, that as she was grabbing her pants she got Poop on her hands and its being rubbed on her shirt! So the pants come off, onto the floor, next I assess the Poop that is in her diaper, on the side of her thigh, and I see that I only have 3 wipes left in my case!! Really?????? So I use those, and tell Suhana not to move as I leave her on the changing table and go to the sink and grab paper towels, wet them and go and wipe her. I must have done that like 5 times... (goes to show the enormity of the Poop) I finally put a clean diaper on her and lift her up to pull her shirt off, throw that on the floor and take her to wash her hands thoroughly. I realize that I didn't bring a change of clothes into the bathroom, so I grab my baby, grab her Poop clothes and shoes and go back to Avikar. I look through my diaper bag and realize that I don't have any pants for her to wear, just a tshirt!!!!!!!! Really?????? So, she ends up wearing a long shirt that covers her diaper and thats it. No pants, No shoes, No socks. Yup, that's it. We reach LA and she just has a tshirt on. :)

Oh and the best part? We brought her Poop stuff home in a Burger King paper bag. Keeping it real.

Mexico o Mexico! Miss you already!

Muggy (Molly) my best friend invited us to spend her birthday with her, Erick, Lily and the Padnos family in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! We went last week and just got back this Sunday. And it was beautiful, relaxing and fun! We had 5 kids in between all of us under the age of 5 and it was a blast swimming in the pool/jacuzzi, eating fresh made guacamole every day and enjoying each others company. We had an incredible time and are so thankful to Erick and Muggy for inviting us. We have the best time vacationing together and here are the pictures to prove it. :)

Not to mention, Lily and Suhana were so darn cute together! They would have their own conversations, about their babies, the pool, the centipedes, coloring pictures and eating! Mine and Muggy's heart melted every time we caught them doing something cute together.

Just hanging in the pool!

Lily and Suhana having snacks.

The only time we put on makeup! Muggy's Birthday dinner.

Suhana - Lily, do you see the bugs?

The girls :) and Avikar

About to go in the pool!

Daddy and his girls.

Molly masi and Jia

View from backyard. :)

Modeling. fun!

Everyone in the hammock! Mommy, Suhana, Lily and Baby
Mexico House

Lily and Daddy

Family time

My Jia :)

Lily and Suhana (So cute)

Goodbye Puerta!! See you next time!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What did she say?

Yesterday, Avikar stayed home with the girls for the day and before Suhana went to bed, he says to her "I had fun hanging out with you today, Love you". She gives him a hug and says "Go to work tomorrow, Daddy go to work!". What?? Avikar and I just laughed, thinking he just got told! 

Today, on my way to a baby shower at work, Suhana asks me "What do cows give Mommy?" (she knows the answer to this, but we play this question game.)  I respond "Milk!" And with a totally serious face she says "Right, like how Mommy gives Jiana dhoo-dhoo (milk)"  My kid is brilliant! She had to make many connections to say that in the correct context!

Every few weeks I notice how much better her sentences get and in the last couple weeks, I feel like I can have full-fledged conversations with her. She is 31 months (2 and a half years) and I am so impressed with this. I guess with your first one, everything they do is pretty incredible since you don't know how else it could be. Suhana is just a cool kid! ;)