Friday, March 2, 2012

Little Miss Independent!

Suhana is learning the power of doing things all by her BIG self. By that I mean she has a new found interest in brushing her own teeth (or sucking the toothpaste and biting the toothbrush), which she finishes off by cupping her hand under the water, sucking it in and then attempting to spit it out, like a grown up. Picking out her own clothes, which is fun for me, because we pull things out of her closet and I ask "Want to wear the doggy dress?" To which she replies "No!, Want to wear green dress" or "purple shiny pants"  I think this new found independence is really exciting for her.. she seems to relish in making decisions. Sounds like her mother! Oh boy, I can just foresee the teenage years. She is also learning to take her own clothes on and off. This skill is still a ways away but I am teaching her the basics and once the clothes come off, she has to run and show Daddy!  She is just growing so fast. Sometimes I look at her and Jiana and imagine our lives two and half years ago and can't remember what we used to do. Now our days are filled with naps, meals, bath times, and bedtimes!

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