Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

I celebrated my birthday a couple weekends ago and turned young again. The kids were sick, we were sick but I did get to have dinner with my wonderful family, including my parents, and my in-laws.  It was a great night.
My girls and me. Best Birthday present ever!

Hugs all around.

Sisters :)

She's thirsty, I know.

Family picture.

Mommy, you want cake?

My entire family!

It's the end of the road...

My time has come to an end. Nursing that is. I am done nursing Jiana and its been a bittersweet, though more bitter in this case. She is almost 10 months old and I was able to keep going pretty strong until about month 6. That's when we had to start substituting formula, this was the same case for Suhana. I even took my pump to Chicago for a girls weekend in the beginning of August, because I didn't want that to be the end. I wasn't ready to be done with breastfeeding. But all good things must come to an end, right? I think as a working mom, you face different challenges in the nursing world. Many different things can affect your supply; stress, nutrition, frequency or lack of feedings.

Since, Jiana is my last baby, this is the last time I will feed a baby and that realization is sitting heavy on me. I really enjoyed the time I had with her one on one, the time when no one was around and she and I were able to just enjoy the moment. It warms my heart to see the look of satisfaction on her face after a good feeding.  Who wouldn't be happy?

I used to think about this with Suhana too, that my milk, was the only thing that sustained her for the first 6 months of her life!! That is incredible! They grow so much and to think that my body provided all those nutrients. I am grateful for the ability to nurse for as long as I did.  I will miss it, but I will have new experiences to share with them.

Jiana - 9 Months

Again, soooo delayed! But better late than never, right? So Jiana is 9 months old and she is up to so many new things. Foremost, she has gotten really good at picking herself up by holding onto an object and remain standing. I am not sure how she keeps herself up, with those adorable chubby feet but she does! She scoots around the house now by walking alongside the couch or holding onto toys. But now we have to be super careful since she is walking and falling! Most of the time she falls on her bum, which is somewhat padded.

She is a lot more vocal... her sounds of 'kakakaka" or "gagagaga" are heard more often. She definitely knows how to get attention, by either squealing or coming up to you and grabbing your pants to pull herself up.

And Jiana waves!! She waves hello and bye, with her hand open and palm up. It's pretty darn cute, and its exactly the same way Suhana used to wave. 

Her personality is starting to develop more as well, especially when her and Suhana are together. Suhana is in the toddler stage of "That's Mine!" We hear it constantly and we are constantly trying to explain that she needs to share. I think that concept will take some time to cement. But there is absolutely nothing cuter than Jiana watching Suhana play. Jia will just sit there and watch Suhana be a busybody playing with all her toys, with the BIGGEST smile on her face. I have to say, she loves her sister. Suhana who is pretty much in her own world most of the time, will stop and ask where Jiana is, if she hasn't seen her for a little while. Jiana on the other hand, follows Suhana around, will climb on her, and watch her with such curiosity. I know she is thinking, wait till I walk!

But don't get me wrong, I can see my future when these two will be fighting! Oh help us! When I get to that stage, I will be remembering how easy this was.

Mommy dressed me like a doll!

There goes the paper.

Daddy got in for a pic :)