Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jiana - 8 months

This post is so very delayed, but I really want to document the month by month happenings of Jiana.

So, this month, she perfected sitting up. She doesn't fall back anymore and has a great posture. She has started to produce more sounds, mostly repeats of the same two letters, like this "ja ja ja ja ja" or "da da da da da". Yup, she sometimes says Dada. :) I haven't really her heard her say "mama" but Avikar told me she did one night, when she was calling for me.

She also started crawling around a little. She rocks back and forth on her knees and then pushes forward. AND her big thing is grabbing onto anything, legs, sofas and toys and standing up! All she wants to do is stand up on her own. Her little feet are still too small (I think) but she balances pretty well on them. A lot of the times, she does fall down on her bum.

The falling and hitting her head on things phase had also come upon us. I remember how much I did not like this part of them becoming mobile. Its so hard to catch her always, but even harder to watch her fall and cry. I hope the noggin is pretty hard so she recovers quickly but its really not fun.

And she is still the happiest of babies, always smiling and only fussy when she is hungry, sleepy or wants you to play with her. Which is another change...She doesn't like to be left alone anymore, someone needs to play with her! Of course I love to, but it also makes it a little hard to do any chores. She is so observant when she plays with each toy, she analyses it, turns it around in her tiny hands, and when she realizes someone is watching her, she breaks into a humongous smile. 

Here are some pics of the 8 month old!

Yup, I'm crawling!

Put that paper down Jiji!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Picture Time!

I have a moment! YAY! So, I am going to share some photos. Here are the last few weeks.

CAN NOT get over this mischevious smile!

Poser :)

Mama Leapord and Baby Leapord

Kisses. She loves them!
How cute is that? Check out Suhana's arm under her sisters head!

The girls.
The drama queens..(I was referring to the girls)

A rare smile for the photo
Love this look.

And Fathers Day was a great day that we got to spend together. Family time is happy times.

Take 1.

Take 2. Perfect!
Horsing around with Dad.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Really listening

I have to update this blog with so much, but I came across this quote on a website and I needed to share.

Too many times, when the kids are trying to get our attention and incessantly screaming "mom, mom, mom, mom, mom...!" its easy to ignore them, but, this rings true. It's mostly a reminder to myself ;)

Listen earnestly to anything your child wants to tell you, no matter what. If you don’t listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won’t tell you the big stuff when they are big. Because to them all of it has always been big stuff.

Catherine M. Wallace

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Lately, I have been feeling very sentimental about my girls growing up. I have been thinking about the things I used to do for Suhana but now don’t have to since she is more independent, how she hated washing her hair, but now doesn’t cry and even asks for it, how I don’t have to feed her dinner anymore because she eats by herself, how I used to pick her outfit and now she has opinions on what to wear, or actually what not to wear! I know I get to go through all this again with Jiana, but I think what’s causing this emotional episode is that my baby, my first-born is turning 3 in less than 3 months! And frankly, I’m not ready! How can she be 3? That’s practically on its way to 5 and then 8 and then 13!!!! STOP TIME just stop!

She is becoming the funniest, no-fear, smart kid I know. She says things like “is that cool, mommy?” after we have a conversation and the “Why?” questions have started. She now waves me off with “Give me a big hug, mommy” and a “ and give me a kiss” when I drop her off to school now. (No more tears!)

I still look at her and can’t believe, Avikar and I were blessed to have this child. She and her sister are the apples of our eyes. I promise to be thankful for their health, happiness and love everyday.